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Board Meeting Information



June 26, 2023 10:00 a.m.

In attendance:   Vicki Vaughn (Board Chairperson), Diane Seifert (Member), Jeff Carmen (Member), Christian Lutes, (C.E.O.), Linda Duchon (Interim Administrator – Zoom), Phil Alt (Contracted Accountant), Rayann Franco (Recording Minutes). 

Guests:  Jody Nestich, Matt Newton, Randy Siedell, Deb Green, April Reybuck, Allison Mast, Lauren Salata

The meeting was called to order by Vicki Vaughn at 11:10 a.m.

Jeff Carmen made the motion to accept the agenda changing the wording in item 9A from infection control survey to wound and fall survey.   Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Jeff Carmen made the motion to accept the monthly board meeting minutes as presented.  Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Randy Siedell from Breakthrough reported that the ad campaign is running on three different elements.   There is display advertising within the thirty-mile radius.  The board asked that to be changed to a fifty-mile radius.  Randy Siedell will investigate the search locations and make adjustments to recognize Cass County.  The board requested that Randy Siedell provide a follow up on the results of all changes.

Jodi Nestich provided a recap for the IT conversion over to the county.  There was approval for $55,000.00 to cover the cost of new PC’s as well as the cost of configuration and set up for the new PC’s.   The PC’s have been purchased.  An additional $37,000.00 was approved toward updates for the network and firewalls.  The goal is to be switched over to the county in August.

Deb Green spoke to the Board about the challenges in staffing nurses.  She explained that our residents have a higher acuity than those in the past.  Options will be investigated including the use of agency provided nurses.

April Reybuck reported that masks were no longer required to be worn inside the facility.  She also stated that there were 17 cases of parainfluenza earlier in the month.

Allison Mast stated she would like to start the Nursing Home Administrator courses in the fall.  Lauren Salata stated that she would be interested in pursing a career as a Nursing Home Administrator after she finishes her college degrees.

Phil Alt reviewed the check register with the board members.  Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the checks issued in April for the amount of $372,453.22 and checks issued in May for the amount of $116,551.72.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.  Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the direct payments for April for the amount of $243,532.42 and direct payments for May in the amount of $186,441.24.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Phil Alt presented the quarterly financials noting that there was over two million dollars in reserve cash.  Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the financial report as presented.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Phil Alt recommended that the private pay rate be increased from $390.00 per day to $415.00 per day effective October 1, 2023.  Jeff Carmen made the motion that the private pay rate of $415.00 be effective starting October 1, 2023.  Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.  A letter will be sent to all residents/families at the beginning of July notifying them of the upcoming change.

Rayann Franco stated that the facility was awarded a grant from HPS.  This grant will help cover the cost of a new online menu program for the residents.  Rayann Franco explained that we were the first on the list for the Michigan Works grant which will pay for the costs of employees to get training in the medical field.  There is a small stipend and an emergency fund that will also be available for those participating in the program.  Rayann Franco stated that she was working with Linda Duchon on the SECA grant which was awarded earlier in the year.  Rayann Franco reported that she will be applying for a life enrichment grant for the facility through the State of Michigan.

Phil Alt explained that the business office had not replaced the Account Analyst position and that an ad has been put on Indeed for a Director of Finance.  The primary duties of this position will be duties that Phil Alt currently performs in the absence of the Account Analyst.  Rayann Franco’s new title will be Director of Quality and Corporate Compliance.  Jeff Carmen asked for a job description for this position.

Jeff Carmen reported that there were some reviews on Google Reviews that were not supportive of the facility.  He asked that these be investigated.

Rayann Franco reported that there were no corporate compliance investigations.   An audit was done regarding psychotropic medications.

Linda Duchon reported that the State cleared the facility of all citations related to the annual survey as well as the survey related to  the life and safety codes.  She reported that there was a survey for wounds and falls.  There were no concerns of non-compliance during this survey.

Linda Duchon stated that four people attended the MCMCFC/MAC conference in June.  There will be four people attending a Life and Safety Conference in July.  There will be a MCMCFC/MAC conference in October, a DON conference in October and a Financial Conference in November.

Christian Lutes reported that the search for a new administrator continues.  Creative Financial Staffing has a fee of 30% of the annual salary to search for an administrator.  Christian Lutes stated he met with Don Haney regarding recruiting for a new administrator.

Christian Lutes stated that fifty-two new chairs were purchased from a local church at the low cost of $29 each.

The board reviewed the resolution for establishing authorized signatories for MERS contracts and service credit purchase approvals.  Jeff Carmen made the motion that the positions of C.E.O. and Board Chairperson be the Authorized Officials.  Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.  An LPN asked for approval to purchase service credit.  Jeff Carmen made the motion to allow the employee to purchase service credit.  Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Linda Duchon provided a summary of the retreat held on May 2, 2023.  She explained that both challenges in the industry and goals were discussed.

Linda Duchon stated that Jennifer Holwerda approached the facility about a new program addressing addiction housing assistance.  The facility was able to provide her resources to help with her program.

Christian Lutes reported that he has been approached by staff members inquiring why other county entities have twice as many paid holidays as the facility.  Some county entities have fourteen paid holidays.  CCMCF has seven paid holidays.  Jeff Carmen requested a comparison of the amount of vacation time, earned time off, paid holidays, comp time, etc. be presented at the next board meeting.

Christian Lutes stated that the facility provided staff with a hot dog meal and a facility t-shirt to celebrate National Nursing Home Week.  A member of the community donated pizzas for staff as well.

Jeff Carmen suggested that the Board meet two times per month.  The next meeting is scheduled for July 10, 2023.

Jeff Carmen made the motion to adjourn the meeting.   Diane Seifert supported the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 2:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Rayann Franco