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August 28, 2023 10:00 a.m.

In attendance:   Vicki Vaughn (Board Chairperson), Diane Seifert (Member), Jeff Carmen (Member), Christian Lutes, (C.E.O.), Linda Duchon (Interim Administrator), Phil Alt (Contracted Accountant), Rayann Franco (Recording Minutes). 

The meeting was called to order by Vicki Vaughn at 10:17 a.m.

Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the agenda as presented.   Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the monthly board meeting minutes as presented.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Phil Alt reviewed the check register with the board members.  Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the monthly checks issued in the amount of $302,718.12.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.  Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the monthly direct payments in the amount of $328,634.65.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Phil Alt explained that the census is projected to be under the 85% occupancy level for the entire year.

Phil Alt reported that Yeo and Yeo provided a three-year proposal.  Yeo and Yeo will be contacted for price negotiations.

Phil Alt stated that the auditor for the employee retention credit examination has not provided an official decision yet.

Phil Alt reported that there was one candidate for the Director of Finance position.  He recommended that this person be hired for the position with an annual salary of $85,000.00.  Diane Seifert made the motion that the candidate be hired.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Jeff Carmen requested that the board receive a report in six months regarding the amount saved by hiring this position.

Phil Alt stated that the direct care wage reimbursement would be increasing to $3.20 from $2.35 effective October 1, 2023.  There will be $0.85 reimbursement for non-clinical direct care workers.  The recommendation was made that all employees excluding directors receive the $3.20 per hour for hours worked.  Jeff Carmen made the motion to accept the proposed recommendation.  Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Rayann Franco stated that the CCMCF received $84,800.00 from the Michigan Medical Care Facilities Council grant.  This will be used for education and retention of employees.  Rayann Franco stated that an application for a reorganization grant was submitted last week.

Rayann Franco reported that there was one corporate compliance investigation.   The report was reviewed and approved by the consultant.  An audit was done regarding the hospice referrals.  The audit revealed that there was no risk of any type of exchanges for referrals.

Christian Lutes stated that the county will be submitting quotes for the website and Facebook integrations.  The county has a completely different approach to what is being done currently. 

Christian Lutes reported that he attended a meeting regarding the ambulance services.  We had one emergent and one non-emergent call since Pride announced that they were no longer providing services to Cass County.   Both responses were timely.  The county is currently reviewing all options regarding ambulance services.

Linda Duchon stated that there were six new nurses going through orientation.  There are currently four nurses provided by agency.  One of these nurses will be hired on as an employee.

Christian Lutes reported that the search for a new administrator continues.  The position is being advertised on Indeed, Leaderstat, HCAM, Facebook, CCMCF website, Cass County website and Michigan Medical Care Facilities Council website.  Benzie and Iosco County Medical Care Facilities are also searching for administrators.

Christian Lutes stated that there were nine requests for bids for replacing the gazebo roof in the courtyard.  Two companies responded.  One bid was $5,600 and the other was $2,300.  The lowest bid will be starting the work in September.

Linda Duchon reported that the picnic was a success.  The event was very well organized.  All attendees enjoyed the event.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 11, 2023 at 9 a.m.

Jeff Carmen made the motion to adjourn the meeting.   Diane Seifert supported the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 11:54 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Rayann Franco