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July 24, 2023 10:00 a.m.

In attendance:   Vicki Vaughn (Board Chairperson), Diane Seifert (Member), Jeff Carmen (Member), Christian Lutes, (C.E.O.), Linda Duchon (Interim Administrator), Phil Alt (Contracted Accountant via Zoom), Rayann Franco (Recording Minutes). 

Guests:  Jen Bata

The meeting was called to order by Vicki Vaughn at 10:56 a.m.

Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the agenda as presented.   Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the monthly board meeting minutes as presented.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Phil Alt reviewed the check register with the board members.  Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the monthly checks issued in the amount of $685,997.01.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.  Diane Seifert made the motion to accept the monthly direct payments in the amount of $490,617.22.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Phil Alt explained that the census was lower this last month due to the parainfluenza outbreak.

Phil Alt stated that the state budget reflects a continuation of the reimbursement for the Direct Care Wages.  More positions within the facility will be eligible for reimbursement should this budget pass and the reimbursement rate is predicted to be $3.20 per hour.

Phil Alt reported that resumes have been received for the Director of Finance position.

Rayann Franco stated that the grants pertaining to nursing homes through the State of Michigan have been put on hold until CMS can provide criteria and approve how the funds can be used.

Rayann Franco reported that there were no corporate compliance investigations.   An audit was done regarding back-up systems during outages within the facility.

Jen Bata explained that the cost for the health insurance has increased for this coming year.  The recommendation was made that the HSA be changed from the facility paying 100% to the facility paying 80%.  Jeff Carmen made the motion to that the facility pay 80% of the HSA.  Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Linda Duchon stated three agency staff companies were contacted.  There is one nurse from Leaderstat starting.  There are two nurses in orientation.  The ADON position has been filled.  This position will be supervised by the Administrator.

Christian Lutes reported that the search for a new administrator continues.  Don Haney has two candidates that he feels are potentials for the position.

Christian Lutes reported that American Electric Power is investigating the possibilities of rerouting the electrical lines while performing upgrades.  There will be a meeting tomorrow with a representative from AEP.

Christian Lutes stated that the new air handlers are working well.  The next phase will start soon.

Christian Lutes reported that there will be a picnic at the facility on August 19, 2023 to celebrate residents, veterans and first responders.  Residents, family members, staff, vendors and community partners have been contacted.

Christian Lutes reported that there was a recent security issue.  The facility continues to be monitored on a routine basis by the Cass County Sherriff’s Department.  The attorney will be asked to present recommendations at the next meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2023 at 9 a.m.

Jeff Carmen made the motion to adjourn the meeting.   Diane Seifert supported the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 12:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Rayann Franco