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July 10, 2023 9:00 a.m.

In attendance:   Vicki Vaughn (Board Chairperson), Diane Seifert (Member), Jeff Carmen (Member), Christian Lutes, (C.E.O. – via Zoom), Linda Duchon (Interim Administrator), Phil Alt (Contracted Accountant- via Zoom), Rayann Franco (Recording Minutes). 

Guests:  Doug Elder (DOJO)

The meeting was called to order by Vicki Vaughn at 9:05 a.m.

Jeff Carmen made the motion to accept the minutes as presented.   Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Jeff Carmen made the motion to accept the monthly board meeting minutes as presented.  Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Doug Elder from DOJO explained stated that his company has set up outpatient therapy on google places.  He explained that there are display ads on Facebook.  Jeff Carmen asked that Doug Elder provide the metrics for the google website.

Phil Alt explained that the Provider Relief Fund reporting will be completed soon.  It is due in September.

Christian Lutes stated that he signed a contract with Lebenbom and Rothman for collections.

Linda Duchon reported that other medical care facilities recommended not to use agency if possible.  If agency is used Leaderstat was the company preferred.  She stated that there were three nurses interviewed and another nurse applied this past week.  There is one nurse in orientation.  Linda Duchon stated that Activity Aides will be trained in CPR so that they can be in the dining room.

Christian Lutes reported that the search for a new administrator continues.  There has not been any good candidates coming from the ad run on Indeed.  Don Haney will attend the upcoming board meeting.

Christian Lutes reported that Dr. Ibekie was approached about having the nurse practitioners work the floor as he has added a second nurse practitioner to his team for the facility.  Dr. Ibekie is unable to accommodate at this time due to his workload.

Christian Lutes stated that he contacted the county regarding their UV lighting devices.  One is at the courthouse and the other is at the jail.  These devices will remain with the county.

Christian Lutes reported that the upgrade to the air handlers has been started.  One of the benefits of these upgrades is that the settings can be changed remotely.  The cost to upgrade the remaining air handlers will be approximately $20,000 for each handler.  Jeff Carmen made the motion to proceed with the upgrades.  Diane Seifert supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Christian Lutes stated that he contacted Geek Genius regarding advertising.  This company referred him to Slick Raven.

A comparison of paid holidays among various county entities was reviewed.  Diane Seifert made the motion to add Juneteenth National Independence Day as a paid holiday.  Jeff Carmen supported the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Christian Lutes announced that there will be a picnic on August 19, 2023 honoring first responders, veterans, residents, families and staff.  This event will be open to the entire community.

Jeff Carmen made the motion to adjourn the meeting.   Diane Seifert supported the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 10:42 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Rayann Franco