February 23, 2021

Cass County is now at risk level D. Starting Wednesday Feb. 24, 2021 we will start having Indoor Visitations by appointment only. Visits will be scheduled between 10am – 8pm. Please review the Visitation Letter below for visitation requirements. Call the Activities Department to schedule a 15min. visit @ 269-228-4009.
Visitation Privilege Information
It is with happiness that we at Cass County Medical Care Facility, announce we are able to start limited visitation privileges following the state required restrictions. The following are the requirements that must be met:
Health Evaluation of a visitor before a visit takes place to check for illness
Hand hygiene must be performed prior to visit
Education regarding personal protective equipment (PPE) must be completed
Social distancing (minimum of 6 [six] feet must be maintained
Facial covering must be worn at all times for visit
Visits require a facility appointed person to remain present in the visiting area
Visits will be held in a designed indoor area or can be outside in a designated area
Visitors can not share food/beverages
Visitors must understand that visitation privileges:
Can change daily with risk levels determined by the state, you may be notified the indoor visit can not take place when level rises above D level or if there are any COVID cases in the facility
Can be revoked if visitor does not follow the required state infection control measures
The following are how the limited visits will proceed:
Only adults (18 years old or above) will be allowed to visit
Visits will be limited to 2 [two] people each visit
No one with any symptoms of illness will be allowed to visit
Visits will be by prior appointment only
Visit time will be for 15 minutes
Visits start at the scheduled time
Come 30 minutes early to be COVID-19 tested. Call when you arrive in the parking lot as testing will be done while you wait in your car. After obtaining negative COVID-19 test results you will be notified to go to the designated entrance to be screened before being taken to the designated visit location
If late, there will less time available for the visit
Visits will require sign in and sign out
No physical contact is allowed, if anyone breaks this rule future visits will be canceled
I/We agree that:
I/We have received and understand education about hand hygiene.
I/We have reviewed the above requirements and agree to follow them.
I/We release Cass County Medical Care Facility of any possible health related change that occurs have a visit at Cass County Medical Care Facility.
I/We agree to report to Cass County Medical Care Facility, Infection Preventionist, any respiratory symptoms that occur within 14 days after a visit at Cass County Medical Care Facility.
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Printed Name of Visitor Printed Name of Visitor
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