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Indoor Visitation Guidance (11/2022)


The following list the requirements for indoor visits that must be met:

  • Health Screen must be completed reflecting no illness
  • Hand hygiene must be performed prior to visit and as needed throughout visit
  • Review posted education regarding personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Visitors should wear a clean well-fitting mask and physically distance when around other residents or healthcare personnel (masks provided)
  • A facility staff member will be available for questions
  • Visitors should not share food/beverages when social distancing can’t be maintained from other residents
  • Visitors must understand that visitation privileges:
    • Can change related to guidelines provided by the federal and state regulations
    • Can be revoked for those unable or unwilling to adhere to the core principles of infection prevention
  • For groups of 3 [three] or more please reserve an area with the activities department
  • No one with any symptoms of illness will be allowed to visit
  • Visitors will be required to sign in and sign out using the kiosk
  • Please place magnet on room door frame to notify staff to disinfect after visit


Core Principles of Infection Control

  • Screening all visitors for communicable illnesses
  • Hand Hygiene
  • Mask (covering mouth and nose) and Social Distancing (physical distancing at least six feet from those you are not visiting)
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Cleaning & Disinfecting


I/We agree that:

  • I/We have reviewed and understand the educational material related to hand hygiene, PPE and preventing the spread of illnesses
  • I/We have reviewed the above requirements and agree to follow them
  • I/We release Cass County Medical Care Facility of any possible health related changes that occurs after a visit at Cass County Medical Care Facility.