August 21, 2021

In response to rising COVID-19 cases in our area and nursing homes effective immediately:
All visits will be held in the lobby 10a – 4:30p by appointment only. For resident safety we encourage all visitors to COVID test. Visits will be 15 minutes, masks must be worn for the duration of the visit and social distancing (6 feet) must be maintained. To schedule an appointment call Activities @ 269-228-4009. Any questions about visitation call Jamie @ 269-228-4010.
Jamie Gish
Director of Admissions
Emergency Management Director
Indoor Visitation Privilege Information (8/2021)
The following list the requirements for indoor visits that must be met:
- Health Screen must be completed reflecting no symptoms of COVID-19
- Hand hygiene must be performed prior to visit
- Education regarding personal protective equipment (PPE) must be completed
- Social distancing (six feet) must be maintained
- Provided facial covering must be worn at all times when in the facility
- Visits require a facility appointed person to be available for questions
- Visits will be in the lobby for the duration of the visit
- Visits will ONLY be with the appointment scheduled individual resident, no one else
- Visitors can not share food/beverages
- Visitors must understand that visitation privileges:
- Can change related to guidelines provided by the federal and state regulations, you may be notified that your scheduled indoor visit cannot take place.
- Can be revoked if visitor does not follow these guideliness
The following are how the limited visits will proceed:
- Visitors must be 12 and older. If below 18 years old, the visitor must be accompanied by an adult
- Visits will be limited to 2 [two] people each visit
- No one with any symptoms of illness will be allowed to visit
- Visits will be by prior appointment only
- Visit time will be for 15 minutes
- Visits start at the scheduled time
- If late, there will less time available for the visit
- Visitors will be required sign in and sign out in visitation log
I/We agree that:
- I/We have received and understand education about hand hygiene and PPE use.
- I/We have reviewed the above requirements and agree to follow them.
- I/We release Cass County Medical Care Facility of any possible health related change that occurs have a visit at Cass County Medical Care Facility.
- I/We agree to report to Cass County Medical Care Facility, Infection Preventionist, any respiratory symptoms that occur within 14 days after a visit at Cass County Medical Care Facility.
- I/We agree to remain in the designated area (lobby)